
The global community for event organisers

What is EventPlanHQ?

An online community to connect with event industry peers, and get pro tips for planning your events and venues.

💬 Gemeinschaft

Who is EventPlanHQ for?

Any Event Organizer

Global Events Community

👍 For Event Professionals

Collaborate and network with Event Professionals

Get pro tips to continually improve your events, and share your best practices, ideas, wins (and losses) to help others do the same for theirs!

Why join EventPlan HQ?


Collaborate with other event professionals

Build global camaraderie amongst all event stakeholders in a post pandemic world.

Network with various industry experts

Event Planning professionals help provide expertise across a variety and diverse array of event segments.

Target new opportunities

Grow your business and events by connecting with industry experts, sharing tips and tricks, and learning expertise from the best.


Discuss with other similar event professionals

Online webinars and meet and greets to discuss and learn best practices, while sharing innovative ideas and technologies in the event industry.


Be part of an exclusive and welcoming group

EventPlanHQ is open to any event planner which contributes to our wide range of topics and specialities. 

The Community is managed by Event Professionals, for Event Professionals

EventPlanHQ members are event professionals with 100+ years of combined experience, from small local festivals to music concerts, road events and major events including the Super Bowl and more!

🚀 Join the EventPlanHQ Community

A community designed specifically for Event Planners from across the globe!

Auszeichnungen für Veranstaltungstechnik
Beste Event-Management-Plattform
Beste Festival-Technologie
Auszeichnungen für Sporttechnologie
Beste Veranstaltungsort- und Betriebstechnologie 2022